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December 05, 2010


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Jennifer Rizzo

Now I know why we are such kindred spirits! I have that tea towel and those mugs from Anthro! Great minds think a like! :)


Since I have a few of those exact items I will have to say that you obviously have excellent taste ;)
Love my UGGS too and it makes me upset that so many people talk down on them because they are the comfiest and warmest shoes ever!
I'm gonna have to go check out some of those art items for gifts now.


hey sweetie~ I'm so glad you loved that lip gloss! It's been my staple for years. Neal calls it glue and won't kiss me if I'm wearing it. I also completely love those candles! I just saw the coolest uggs in Portland. They're bronze and I'm begging for them for Christmas! And they're not in the kids section and I don't even care. I want them so bad! I liked reading your list. I was just thinking today that there will never be another Oprah's favorite things. I never ever watch her show but I try to never miss the favorite things one. It's so fun!


Great list! And I want to assure you that your UGGS are not out of style...I teach high school and they are everywhere on all the cutest girls. And we all KNOW that you're at your epitome of cool when you're in high school. :)


Ill take high school cool!!:-)

To: [email protected]


fun, jeanne! love that you are loving mindy's new album, too!

Flower Patch Farmgirl

I'm tres intrigued by that cd...


You will LOVE it! Beautiful in every way!! Just put it in and press repeat all:-)

To: [email protected]


i am making an apron crossed between 1 and 13. i bought my little brother the lens and he bought me the uggs. funny! love your list:) xoxo m

ps...read about mindy on nie. have you heard of jj heller? LOVE HER.


No, I havent heard of JJ Heller. Going to look her up now. Thanks for the suggestion!!

To: [email protected]


Dearest Jeanne, oh my...im loving your list!! I had my eyes set on that Fujifilm Instax MINI7 for a LONG TIME!! I love it and had a chance to create a cozy for a friend that owns it. One day...yep..one day when i save up enough to get me one. :) And i adore those gorgeous tea cups ~ so lovely and they do make wonderful gifts! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


Thanks for posting these sweets! I already see a few that are now on my list!

Leah C

What a super list...love some of your favorites:) And thanks for "introducing" us to Mindy Gledhill; she has such a pretty voice!


My husband and I went out for one of our last "Adult Meals" for our anniversary in September. He loves the restaurant and I love it because it has an Anthro right next to it...no ulterior motives ;-) I have soooo been coveting those mugs, I have probably mentioned them a hundred times since then. They're definatley affordable but we've been trying to save money so I left them there. Hopefully he'll make them my Christmas gift. By the way, I also love Oprah, but I agree, her list has become for the more than "average womans" budget. She worked hard to get where she is, but her average audience member is not in her tax bracket.


Very cool finds. I stumbled and rumbled into your blog here. I love it. Happy Jolly Winter to you.

Courtney Walsh

#10. Check out her new book "Creative is a Verb." (I think that's what it's called.) It's amazing.


Yes!! I have that one too. I just was trying to limit the books or the whole thing would have been amazing books:-)

To: [email protected]


LOVED you list. I will have to check out the art classes...sounds like something I would enjoy (especially that I can do it at my pace :)). And I've never thought about Uggs in kid sizes, but I'm certain I could do that!!! Yea! Great idea.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints

the teacup is so cute...i have one too. brian broke it one day and i mananged to glue it back together again. that's how much i love it:) great list.


I bought this camera for my son, we had been searcing for the "real deal" at many auctions and after scoring an entire dozen of them, we found out that we cant get the film! So this was a "santa" present for sure!


Great list, much better than Oprah's. :-)

I just purchased the Nikon version of the 50mm 1.4, great lens!



man, we are peas in a pod...got my Anthro candle a-burnin' right here with "Life is a Verb" and "Happines.." on the counter. I'm reading some of "verb" again because she just speaks to me.

This is a great idea to share this stuff--very cute ;)
as are you, my carmel corn diva.

lorraine lewis

Fun list!
I love anthro dish towesl too- they are so fun to give as gifts.


LOVE your list Jeanne!!! I have a few things on there but definitely need to try some of the others. I am looking for some good books to read. I need to check out that c.d. too:)

the domestic fringe

Great items on your list. I love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I need to read that book.

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