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October 31, 2010


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Brenda Leentjes

HI!! I am Brenda, an artist. That's probably been the hardest thing for me to say and mean but I finally do. I teach art for K-8 and love my job but am a happier person when I can create my own art. My artwork is mixed media using acrylics--love my paint! Color is my passion. It is my way of expressing myself and it brings people in. The hardest part of my creative life is promoting myself and pricing. I would love any advice you could give. My blog is http://www.itsacreativejourney.blogspot.com/ and my etsy shop is: http://www.enjoyjourney.etsy.com Thanks for your blog. I love it. Especially France!


This is so nice of you...when I first began blogging I was a bit nervous to leave a comment but you have always been kind enough to post a comment back.

I make altered books, journals, and love to work with paper and recycling scraps into fun pieces. I also make little girls apron skirts. elisa-hernandez.blogspot.com my etsy shop is elisahernandez.etsy.com.

Have a blessed day.

Jenni Carlisle

Jeanne your sweet heart is just precious! There is room for all of us..right? I am opening my shop later this week and have no idea what I'm doing. So much that I just decided to create all the lovlies my mind, heart and hands could spit out and see what happens. I named my shop Ragamuffin Beauites, because really aren't we all?

sharon simons

Hi Jeanne, My name is Sharon Simons and I love to create. I started out painting ceramics nine years ago and now I find myself painting any and everything. I have no business sense and I too am uncomfortable with pricing etc. My blog is www.glazedfromtheheart.blogspot.com and my website is www.glazedfromtheheart.com. Thank you for this opportunity to win some exposure and "flying lessons!"

sharon simons


Champagne Maker

What a great idea! Generosity is a quality one can't fake.

Ok, so, I'm Champagne Maker (aquired, not given)...I make a bunch of stuff (jewelry, knits, paintings) and I post most of it here: http://champagnemaker.blogspot.com

I mostly knit and write knitting patterns and post them here: http://stitchpoet.blogspot.com

I was loading up my computer with a g'zillion pics and killing my memory so decided to start saving them and passing it on to my friends here: http://crushparty.blogspot.com and http://crushculdesac.tumblr.com and in the process have "met" the nicest people online in the blogosphere. My dream is to attend one of these big meet and greets and meet them all. I am so inspired every day by the talent I've discovered on the internet. It's my favorite thing to do!

Thanks again for this little game and your fab blog and sharing it all!!!

Natasha Burns

Jeanne, you're wonderful! What an amazing idea :)

Well, I'm Natasha Burns, I paint, sew, and make "stuff". I live in Australia and I love that it doesn't matter that I'm half a world away from some of my closest friends... who I have met through blogging, and some, in real life!

My blog is http://www.natashaburns.blogspot.com and my etsy shop is http://www.etsy.com/shop/NatashaBurns - I'm currently in the process of transfering my creations from my dot com site over to my etsy.

My dreams...well I have to say, I'm a very fortunate person in that I get to live my dream. With the exception of desiring our home to be renovated (and that time will come soon enough), I'm content in life, love and art. A licencing deal would be awesome, but I'm content and happy with my life, friends and art, and I think that's a really great place to be!


I have to business or wares to share but I wanted to jump in and applaud you for doing this Jeanne. There is nothing better than paying it forward. I think I will do something today ~ thanks for the inspiration.


I meant to say I have NO business or wares to share!


Hi Jeanne,
I own a drapery studio. I make and install window treatments, bedding, pillows, you name it! I love working with people- helping them feather their nests to make their homes as personal and unique as they are.

Thanks for this opportunity--


Hi Jeanne,

Your soul is so kind, I knew it the day I found you in blogland. Your blog is inspirational and I agree whole heartedly that we need to share as artists and business women. We are all on this earth together and it is so wonderful to be able to pay it forward.
You have already done this in so many ways and I thank you for this opportunity on this post.

I am an artist that likes to create "smiles" I like to illustrate charming images. These illustrations will sometimes lead to other forms like gift cards, christmas ornaments, & sculptures to name just a few. I also like to sew, crochet, bake and create in so many other ways that feed my creative soul. The joy that I find when I create is indescribable and it brings even more joy when someone else finds it when viewing my pieces.


Thank you again for sharing so much!

Jodylynn Malone

Wow ! First of all let me say thank you! I feel the way. One of my problems with having a small business is I love to inspire and you can't sell that, well maybe in a book and that is the dream, to have a book of my creations. I have a small cozy business called "Scraptherapy" I have been an artist of sorts all of my life in and out of different crafts from Scrapbooking as a child to teaching it as an adult. I am more of an altered artist in the scrapbooking area. I used to have a business called Junkin Jewelry back 25 years ago so incorporating junk into scrapbooking has been for me just a other way to do this form! I also am a faux finisher, I love vintage and love to create vintage! I love to bring people out of the boxes to feel free to realize there are no rules, they are the artist! Jodylynn


Hi there! I do photography and handbound journals. my etsy store is www.robynsart.etsy.com my blog is www.robynsart.blogspot.com

My ultimate dream is to be a travel photographer, an empowerer of artists, and support myself with the two plus my journal sales. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!


Jeanne, great post.. wonderful! I would love to grow my business... as you know I'm a writer that's my first passion, a card designer second, and now.. delving into mixed media. I honestly would just love love to sell more of my handmade cards.. I so believe in sending REAL MAIL these days despite all that technology that is around us, you know?
My dream is to have an active etsy shoppe, right now I am using free ewillow.com simply because I don't hv the funds to pay for the postings on etsy. For me, our finances just aren't there for us to even pay for an etsy listing. :(

Also -- I want to get to working/finishing my book/memoir/self help it's about 2/3 finished, over 50K words
with about another 20K to go.
I'd like the help to promote both my book and my handmade cards and art!

And I also have a great idea for a CAS CARD DESIGN BOOK I'd love to author.. I just need the wings to get there!
Hugs to you. this is so great!


ewillow shoppe: http://bonniessentiments.ewillow.com
blog: http://alifeunrehearsed2.blogspot.com
flickr gallery: http://flickr.com/photos/bonnieroseippity

Flower Patch Farmgirl

This is just one of the reasons I love you SO much. :)

Flower Patch Farmgirl

PS - Did I totally just goof everything up by commenting when I don't have a business?

Sheesh. Now I've goofed it up twice.


What an amazing opportunity!

I'm Leah. I'm just venturing into starting my own creative business in next few months, and I'm seriously excited to be taking this step! I'm an avid scrapbooker, and hope to take my teaching skills on the road, as well as sell hand knit, and sewn goods in my etsy shop. I have lots of interests and skills, so one of my main focuses right now has been to *narrow* my focus and choose a place to start! lol

And I agree with you - I'm grateful to several women who have been willing to offer advice for starting up...

Blog: http://amusing-to-create.blogspot.com
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/bluebirdchic

Courtney Walsh

Well, I'm not really a business, though you know I need marketing tips for my upcoming books! I think artists and etsy shop owners and creative souls like us are all in the same boat in terms of getting our "stuff" out there. :)

So, I'm not sure if that counts since I have no shop and no website...just my blog, but I DO consider writing my business...and some days it's a HARD one...other days the best thing in the world!!

What a fun idea, Jeanne! :)


How sweet of you Jeanne!! I have been lusting after Kelly's products for a bit now. I wish she made skins for Blackberry's!!

I have a line of little girl's clothing called Little Lotti Clothing. I really strive to keep it simple and sweet. I want to capture the innocence and imagination that is so pure in children. I have a website but I update my Etsy shop more often,


I am only adding sporadically right now as I give more time and focus to my 1st passion, photography. I am working towards a business in portrait photography as well as stills and books for my own photography shop. I add my latest shots to my Flickr and also my blog


Here's to dreams!!!!!

Allison Orthner

A friend took the Flying Lessons and it's been on my to-do list ever since!!

I wear so many hats, I hardly know where to begin... I currently own and operate Crop and Cruise where I plan and host scrapbooking and photography cruises and land events in hot tropical locations... but I'm sensing a call to something completely different... I yearn to have my life make a bigger difference so I'm searching for direction right now.

I'm terribly excited about the possibilities and believe that answers can come from any/all places (including blog giveaways!!). Thanks for the opportunity :)

Allison Orthner


Everyone can leave comments I will just put the business comments into the drawing:-)
To: [email protected]

Sami Jo

Hi there! First of all, your music makes me happy :) Second, I <3 Kelly Rae - I followed her blog as she welcomed her new little one and Isn't she is such an inspiration!? & Thirdly, I'm Sami Jo, my husband and I have two little boys - we are scetching up the very early steps of how to start our own Vegetable Delivery Business. Now, you may be thinking there is nothing creative about Vegetable Delivery BUT my husband and I are delving into this project with several "creative" ideas to make our business attractive by many which would includes an amazing blog with added stories, recipes (to help with those rootabaga months *wink*) and also included in our blog would be features about the Farmers and where the veggies come from and then there is the boxes the veggies would be delivered in (they must be fabulous) and the monthly "surprises" I would tuck into our members boxes depending on the season - be it flower seeds (spring), chestnuts (fall), fresh herbs (summer) and so on and so forth. This would not only be exciting to our members but also introduce other local business thus encouraging local business growth. Encouraging local business purchasing and healthy eating is part of our mission which, in time would expand community relationships. Our ultimate dream is to have our own farm, with an on-site, and then (my dream) is to have my own boutique there too - with refurbished furniture, home decor, and all those goodies that make my heart soar AND encourage reuse, redeuce, recycle. We have a LONG way to go but all business start with a dream... so we are dreaming... and brainstorming. :) Thank you for this opportunity (and honestly, by just writing it out - sure gets me excited and reassures me that this is definately what we should do! So thanks for that.) <3

Beth Baker

Thank you very much.

My name is Beth Baker and I love to create, design, and decorate "stuff". I make headbands, necklaces, belts and other various items out of soda and beer bottlecaps. I also make hair clips out of soda pop cans and purses out of license plates and duct tape. I do a little bit of soldered jewelry also.

Judith Norman

Thanks for your generosity. I am the founder of VirtueRadioNetwork.com, an Internet radio network and community for contemporary Christian women. We offer numerous online crafts how-to video tutorials, including CROPPED! (scrapbooking/paper crafting) and Rick Rack: Thread Therapy for Sewers (sewing). Rick Rack has a wonderful online class coming on November 15. Register now at http://www.virtueradionetwork.com/rickrack.htm. The 25th person to register will receive 4 yards of Michael Miller fabric.
Thanks for the opportunity to share with your readers.

ria nirwana

Dear Jeanne,
it's such a great way for you to begin pay it forward, because that is exactly what you should do FIRST to make everything falls into their own places. :))
I start record my scrapbooking, art journal and some paintings on my blog here :
http ://rnirwana.blogspot.com
and just recently I add my handmade stuff to the new web of mine :
The system for payment haven't even been connect yet! *sigh. So I do need lots and lots informations, tips, and else on how to do this online selling things.

And you know what,
I have been dreaming about all those Kelly Rae's stuff, my idol, especially her 2011 datebook, which I want to order from the first time she released it, but since I live so far away here in Indonesia, they can't send it to my country. You can imagine how broken hearted I was to hear the news.
Anyway, I crossed my fingers and pray, may your kind heart always be the source of your gratefulness in all you do.

Have a very nice day, dear.

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