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June 02, 2010


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wow! i want a taste! i can't imagine what it will taste like, but the ingredients sound good!


It looks and sounds simply divine:) I want to try this one!! Thanks for your search so all of us can enjoy it also.

Lee Ann

Oh my goodness, that cheesecake looks wonderful and the ingredients sound delicious too. Good for you Jeanne! I must try this recipe, especially since I love sweets and need to learn how to eat smarter and healthier. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

Tomorrow, I am having my very first GIVEAWAY. I hope you will stop by and check it out. You have always been such a huge inspiration to me.

Lee Ann


Beautiful, absolutely beautiful and it sounds soooo yummy. It's nice to know it can be done under $100.00 (please!!!!!)


I'm so hungry and that looks absolutely divine!!!!!!!!


Becky @ Farmgirl Paints


Beth Perry

looks great! gotta love the net!


looks beautiful! I'll have to try this!! thanks for sharing.


sounds yummy...and i just love your cake plate!!!

lorraine lewis

my daughter-in-law i vegan so I will have to make this for her- looks yummy!


OHH WOW looks delish~We are a gluten free family and I am going to try this one!!!
If you haven't already seen the magazine called Living Without you might want to check it out! It's a great mag for people with food allergies and food sensitivies.
This months addition happens to feature a few GF cheesecake recipe.


I'm so glad you found one you could make! Good job!


Mornin Jeanne! This really does look delicious! I'll have to give it a try for my son...everyone should be able to eat cheesecake, right??!!

Wish you were coming to FC!

Have a great weekend ~

:) T

Lauren Lucille

That looks so yummy!!!


I will definitely try this one. I am constantly creating new gluten-free recipes in my kitchen. My daughter and I both have celiac and neither one of us have had a cheesecake in years. Not to mention the fact that this looks dairy free too. Love it!


We just had a cheesecake very similar to this one at Shauna's raw foods class. Amazingly yummy, though a bit complicated to make, because hers was made from (raw)almond milk cheese. Have a wonderful evening/day.
Love, Debbie

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