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May 25, 2010


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You were very close to where my sister lives, and where my oldest is away at college, it was nice to think of your spirit being here in CA. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Beautiful shots on the beach. Can't wait to see more...


Sweet Jeanne! I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time. What a blessing for you all to be there to support a dear friend.
You all look FABULOUS, btw.Just lovely.

Unforgiveness is a word I should probably allow the ocean to take away from my life as well...it's a long road and I, too, harbor some "ick" for longer than I should. What a gift to let that go---a gift to YOURSELF as well as others.

Can't tell you how excited I am to stay up too late talking with you, my creative friend. It will be a magical time, for sure.

Suz Reaney

How wonderful that you were invited to the Crescendoh party. I really admire everything that Jenny Doh stands for and do think she is a strong woman of substance (I love that...substance!)

Flower Patch Farmgirl

I love that you share so well the beauty and significance of friendships with other girls. It can be difficult to find these kinds of girls, but ever worth the search.

Your trip sounds like so much fun and I love that picture of you wrapped up burrito-style in the gorgey quilt.


Oh this makes me so homesick. San Clemente is one of my old surf spots.
I sooooooo love that quilt you have around you. I need one of those badly.
Looks like fun.

Amy Muffoletto

So in love with your words. You just lighten a heavy load on my back.... Life is wonderful and it is important to have such amazing friends. Love you.

anne marie

I guess that wasn't your husband with the surf board......what a blessing Jeanne to get out like that and meet and connect with other wonderful women......


Love that you had time with such special friends in that amazing setting. I love that even at play, you and your friends gave thougth to inspiration and truth. I love your words and how open your heart is to live in those truths:)


friends who see the world as you do are such a blessing. you are truly blessed. great photos. i knew i had seen that pier before - in tara's photos.


What beautiful photos and how wonderful you have all the great friends you do. That is indeed a treasure. I share your desire to be more forgiving. It's truly a path that leads to great adventure. One way I have found to do it is to imagine vividly all the hideous things you would like to do to the person who acted idiotically. Go nuts with this, but limit it to a session or two. Then when you have got the bile out of your system begin a practice of imagining them surrounded with golden light and pray for their happiness in every way. It might takes months of this but eventually the sting goes out of the memory. Because truly, people who are happy do not do unkind things in this world. Praying for their peace is the most powerful thing for them and for our own healing and happiness. (PS It helps to ask the good Lord to help us in this task because it is really HARD to wish happiness to those we, let's face it, at times despise!)


I apologize if my post sounded preachy...I just meant to share something that has, at times, worked for me in the hope that it might help you or someone else. (You can be SURE I have a really hard time with this, myself.)


What a beautiful trip!


Amy Jo Axe

Looks like a wonderful relaxing time with great friends!


I am a little sad that you were so close and didn't even shout my name...or uhem, invite me for a drink, but I will forgive you this time!! :) Lovely lovely setting, and more lovely friends, what a wonderful time and experience!! xoxo


I will never, ever forget that weekend....I love you so much...your soul is so good and you are such a gift in my life. Being with you is a kind of rest that I cherish......all of you..that we can just BE with each other....come as we are and just BE...and love everything about it. It is such a gift. I love you forever! xoxo

Tiffany ~ The Fancy Farmgirl

Now that's the way to spend the day..........
love you!
xoxo Tiffany


in my opinion these are some of the prettiest photos I've ever seen. I will be watching for those recipes!


This is all so beautiful! The pictures and the story of friendship, support and lightness of love. You are in the company of some pretty amazing, beautiful women and like attracts like so I'm sure the feeling is mutual if they were asked. :)
Can't wait for the recipes! Loved your story of a return to health! We've had a similar story unfolding in our little family. What an adventure this caring-for-the-temple is. :)


Hi Jeanne! The new camera is doing good by you my friend, your pictures are incredible!!! What a fun weekend! You get to do all the best weekend outings! Wish I was gonna see you at Farm Chicks :(

Have you had any grilled artichokes lately??!! :)

Talk to you soon ~


:) T

Beth Perry

looks like an amazing time!
loving the photos and the stories!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints

Love the idea of leaving it in the sand. That was a beautiful idea!


Forgiveness is a tough one for me too....I would probably need a few trips to the beach to help me wash away the "unforgiveness" completely! Beautiful pictures -


Just beautiful!!!

Leah C

The beach...one of my most favorite places to be:) And I love the idea of writing a word in the sand for the waves to wash away; so freeing!

Privet and Holly

What a lovely and free-wheeling time with your golds! I absolutely crave those together times and sometimes you just have to make them HAPPEN. Lovely blog ~ found you on Susan's page ~ safe travels home! xx P&H

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