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May 16, 2010


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what an amazing moment for you!!! to be cherished FOREVER!!! i am sooo happy for you!!


Happy Belated Birthday! What a special birthday your family gave you, each one seems to have put so much thought into their gift. A wonderful day full of love.

xx, Michelle

Allison S

What Jeannie wants, Jeannie gets!!

Shelley Overholt

What a beautiful story of you family that is so relatable! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!!! It sounds like your day was filled with AMAZING moments, laughs and YOUR DREAM CAMERA!!!!! WOOHOOOOoo! What a phenomenal day!!!! :)


I'm so glad you had a very nice birthday. enjoy the lovely present in france! (the camera not the water bottle) ha!


Happy Birthday! It sounds like it was absolutely fabulous, filled with love and thoughtfulness. It sounds perfect. Theresa


What a sweet post about a sweet and loving family. You are loved and very blessed. Happy birthday! Looking forward to seeing your photos of your trip to Paris with your new camera. How exciting!


Wow..sounds like an amazing birthday. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love getting gifts from my kids that they make themselves or they come up with...without daddy's help. Happy Birthday. Terri

Leah C

What an amazing birthday...even more, what an amazing family! To be loved so much & so well, that is really the best gift:) Happy Belated Birthday!


oh jeanne that is the sweetest birthday ever... you are soo blessed my friend !!! love you !


sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and those gifts are great except for maybe the tampons, lol :)

Courtney Walsh


You NEED that camera for your trip to France!! :) (Duh!) I have a 20D and I am starting to get itchy for a new one. I love it, but the more I shoot in manual and the more I learn...well, I covet.


I LOVE that Madolyn got you tampons!! hahaha. Brilliant girl! I want our families to be friends! :)

Suz Reaney

So sweet, Jeanne. I am THRILLED that you are going on the trip to France. How wonderful that you will have a special camera!

You have your head and heart in the right place!


Becky @ Farmgirl Paints

A great man indeed...that Kelly. How awesome that you will have a new camera for your trip of a lifetime!

BTW I am the same with the trashy magazines. You should see the pile I'm taking with me to Miami. Is there anything better?? Love you girl. So glad you had a very blessed birthday. You soooo deserve it:)


What an amazing birthday Jeanne ~ you are one special lady for sure! Cannot wait to see the pictures you take in France with that new camera. I think my fav would be the letter ~ that's a keeper for sure.


Oh, what a great post. Happy Birthday to you! You are richly blessed. Have a great time in France snapping away with your new camera. Have a blessed day.

Annette Q

Happy Birthday Jeanne! Sounds like the perfect day with beautiful people, you lucky girl! :-)

Lee Ann

First off, Happy Birthday Jeanne! Next, you have an awesome family who know how to make a girl feel loved and special...and I totally understand the "spending time" together thing. Nothing grows love more than good ole' spending time together, especially without all of our technical toys that can take away our attention from one another.

Sounds like your family knows what a wonderful and special person they have in their momma and wife.

Lee Ann

Flower Patch Farmgirl

Well, I hate buying tampons - they are such a grocery budget breaker! She's a smart one, that Madolyn. And funny. And practical.

Happy birthday, friend.


Happy Birthday sweet girl! It sounds like you had a wonderful day... and you deserve it! Your family sure knows you well - their lovely gestures and sense of humour (Madolyn is a keeper!) show the specialness of your relationship.

Happy Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! What a precious post. Trashy mags are a vice for me too! Have a wonderful week!

Amy Muffoletto

Time is worth so much more than any gift.... your children and your hubby know you very well. Love all the thought behind all your gifts. Love how you share your feelings with us. Love that you are so real. You are amazing and I am so happy you had a wonderful birthday!!!!! Hugs,Amy


You are obviously a special lady! I love to read trashy magazines too. Can't wait to see results of new camera.

Happy Birthday!!


Sounds like your day was a keeper...
....H*A*P*P*Y* B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y.....
...........Smile on Rosie...........

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