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May 17, 2010


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Sewing is something I always wished I knew how to do, but have never known anyone to show me. There are no sewers in my family.... But if I could go take a class I would ! Sign me up! Looks wonderful!


looks like such a cute shop indeed
glad to hear all about your week long celebrations!


Oh what a great shop! Glad you got some family time and a chance to relax. Now your friend's daughter has to show us her finished project soon!


I wish a shop like that was around here...I would love to learn how to sew!! It looks fabulous:)

Amy Muffoletto

I love to sew.... In the classes I teach I often use sewing....I find it interesting that women who are older than me, lots older. Do not know how to sew. My grandma taught me... I am the oldest of 6 girls and I am the only one who knows how. Is it becoming a lost art? That shop is to die for....Reminds me of the store I told you about that I found when I was 13 that sparked the dream in me to have my own store one day. So inspired by your pictures. Hugs,Amy


What a wonderful shop. Very cute lay out of fabric, vintage, and play area. Sew appealing:)

Courtney Walsh

I would totally take a class! I need to learn how to use my sewing machine!


You have such a beautiful blog! I found it through "Artful Blogging" magazine. I had never heard of the magazine until lately. I am a participant of Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly Abbott. Beverly's blog is also featured in the summer issue (page 36). I ordered the magazine to read her article. I plan to visit each of the blogs featured in the magazine and yours is the first. You see, I'm new to blogging, having only started in January, and am trying to pick up tips from the experts. I'm saving your address in my "Favorites" list and will be back.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine


Jeanne, that looks like an amazing store...i hope they do well too...it's so hard for small businesses like that to make it...you hit that nail on the head, it is too easy to find anything you want online now...i hope you found a lot of fun fabrics to play with!!!

Leah C

Wish I could sew...but I soooo can't;)


That store looks so amazing! What a fun place to go! Have just been thinking of signing up for mother/daughter sewing lessons even though I flunked Sewing 101 two summers in a row! Maybe I can focus more now, right??? :) Have a great day!



Love the new store!

Melissa Gruber

oh, how i love to sew and that store is so pretty. there is one like that close to us too...new and i am selling stuff there. i love the fact they have a play area...what a great post idea, i will have to do one on my little shop!

enjoy the day!


Oh I wish I knew how to sew more than a straight line!

Jane Hill-Gibson

We've got a great store like that around here too. I love going in just to get inspiration from all of the beautiful fabrics and other "lovelies" as you would say. Only problem for me like many of your other readers is that I don't sew. I need to take classes when ever time might allow. Happy belated birthday by the way, mine is also very close to Mothers Day, in fact many years it actually falls on Mothers Day. It's nice.
Happy day,
p.s., not sure if I've mentioned it, but I do LOVE your blog. It's beautiful. I've seen it both in Artful Blogging and in Tera Frey's book (I think). Cheers

faded prairie

i have absolutely no control when it comes to fabric...sigh...*bliss* ;0) that store looks absolutely amazing...i just may have to take a day trip and come visit!


Um, Mama Said - of course you get a discount for broadcasting all of our lovelies, and for taking such gosh darn BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! Thank you again for such a wonderful profile!


happy belated birthday! Sounds like such a wonderful family!

Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

Oh, what fun! Happy belated Birthday, Jeanne! Aren't May babies the best! My mom and I are headed on a Midwestern road trip in a couple of days...and she actually mentioned the idea of bringing along her sewing machine. I still need a liner for my cart for Farm Chicks!

What a lovely store. I hope they do well and definitely think that YOU deserve a discount!

: )

Julie M.

Zita - Mlle Magpie

What a treasure of a shop, Jeanne! I love it! There is nothing like that anywhere around here. I would certainly love to hang out there, get inspired and shop for sewing projects. I think sewing is a fabulous thing!


A fabric store like that is like the old days when you first opened a box of 64 brand new crayons and practically swooned just from the smell of them! We had a store near us here in Upstate NY that was called Knit and Be Happy. It was a yarn shop and she had a big flumpy couch in the window where you could sit and knit or get lessons. That name says it all, doesn't it?


while momma shops?

lorraine lewis

What a wonderful fabric shop. I love the vintage goods.
Happy late birthday it sounds like it was a wonderful day.
Enjoy your new camera- I loved my Canon 5D- it bit the dust when a wave splashed up on it on our vacation- it was a sad day.


that makes me want to sew RIGHT NOW.
so i will.


I absolutely LOVE Fort Collins. I was just there in August. But I don't remember seeing this store in Old Town. I guess it would be a fun excuse to go back. What a great place. :)

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