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May 30, 2010


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Beautiful women! (BTW, I will be meeting Jenny Doh in lessee...4 days at Squam! Yikeroos!) and may I repeat, beautiful women, every one of you (including you Ms. Oliver)

The Vintage Rabbit

what a beautious group of women!!! one day I hope to meet each and evey one of you!!!



what an awesome funky door!!
where is jeanne though?.....

Leah C

That door is absolutely amazing!! But, why didn't one of the gals take your picture in front of it? And I hope you find some yummy dessert closer to home:) Have a happy weekend!

Annette Q

I've loved catching up on your last few blog posts...you girls look like youre having such a lovely time!
I share a passion for desserts too...just can't end my dinner without something a little bit sweet y'know? ;-)


I think I may have eaten at that same place when I was in Lagauna.... don't remember that awesome door!!! I noticed the dessert and thought you might be interested in checking out this site.... www.simplysugarandglutenfree.com

Also, I'm still interested in the giveaway idea... I'm glad I found you on etsy so I could reconnect... Have a blessed day!

Amy Muffoletto

Love the door pics.... I know when you were here you were looking for desserts.... I am sorry about your dream well it was probably more like a nightmare.... I did some random searching and found this... A list of Gluten free desserts. You may have already seen it but I wonder if it is any good!!!!


Hugs, my friend and happy dessert hunting!!!

Carmelina Lounsbury

thanks for your visit!

i just adore your blog! it's so fresh and young! simply beautiful!!!

hope you'll come again!

ciao bella!
creative carmelina


Jeanne that door was a find and your photo taking is awesome!! I thought we DID take some of you too?!?

What a fun weekend!

Privet and Holly

Awesome door, but am betting
you would have taken the dessert
home over the door, if offered!
Poor you, gluten-free is really
hard. Luckily you are not alone
and more and more products are
becoming available.
Loved coming along on what looked
like an amazing holiday ~ THANKS!
xx P&H

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints

Holy cow Melody looks gorgeous in the first pic! That door was the perfect backdrop. I feel your pain with the sweet things. It's hard cutting out sweets. In time I bet you'll find all kinds of things that take the place of the other allergy laden stuff you can't have.


You took AMAZING photos of these beautiful women. Your dessert find looks too yummy for words. And your dream would be just too funny if it weren't so sad for you:)

Courtney Walsh

I make a mean gluten free fruit crisp. You can add any fruit...so far I've done organic peaches and organic strawberry/rhubarb. Amazing! :)

the domestic fringe

These photos are gorgeous!

Glad you enjoyed your healthy cake. Hope you get it again soon.


jennifer Rizzo

Those girls look so so gorgeous!!!!!


Beautiful gals, full of spirit and spunk!

I just recently learned of Jenny's fabulous new venture (Crescendoh), and I think it's So important that all of us in the blogging community get behind her in this endeavor.

That dessert looks divine!

All the best,

lea helmerich

i'm so happy you found a dessert that
is legal and healthy for you!

i loved your photos of lovely ladies who
look real and beautiful.


I absolutely LOVE that door! I agree, a must impromptu photo shoot. My camera would've felt the same way.

Your dessert looks delicious. Maybe we can find you a recipe for something similar?


Your friends and photos are gorgeous! No dessert? I feel your pain.


Love the photo shoot! Beautiful girls and so much fun! Thanks for sharing.
Sorry about the dessert truck! I will keep my eye and ears open for a recipe you might be able to use.

anne marie

if you think I'm every posing in front of a door for you, you have another thing coming...

and hey; how come YOU aren't in front of that door? - you are so darn cute though -

who is that in the first picture? I want her hair...clothes...and pretty much everything that was "going on" with her look -

loved that.

Suz Reaney

My gosh, Jeanne.

I thought I was looking at an Anthropologie ad!Incredible beauty and great photography!



awwww just gorgeous!!! Love how you captured your friends... so beautiful and that desert has me drooling,


Oh, my goodness--I would've stuffed that whole turquoise architectural jewel into my purse. wow-ee-wow, I need that door in my studio!

Great shots of the ladies...lovin' the outfits too ;)

Great talking with you today---wish I could jaunt over into your sunshine and visit.
Soon enough!


Love the door ~ that is camera law~! stop and shoot the flowers! I mean smell them! or in this case wood!~ ;)

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