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October 21, 2009


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Amy Jo Axe

I love the art that you created! The one that says to not give any more energy to the things that you want to be free from! I am taking that one to heart. Can't wait to hear more.


Truly beautiful Jeanne! I will never forget that week.

anne marie

it's so great to see someone open themselves up to the world, be honest and take in the moment, and delight in other's accomplishments............

and yeah, I would totally love to come over for coffee, but you wouldn't have to spill your guts :)

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints

Oh Jeanne that was lovely!! The pictures of your art were beautiful. You definitely need to hang those all over your studio...you talented person you:)


I LOVE you brave girl!!! Your art is super beautiful! I wish we could go on our morning walks together!! Then I would talk you into running with me. ;) I miss laughing with you, crying with you, sharing our deepest secrets!! It really is hard to capture on a blog isn't it? No more lies, right??? :)

Karyn (French Charming)

What an awesome post! I love what you created, each are truly gorgeous! Thanks for reminding me to remember and speak my truths. I adore you!!


Beautiful art and I love your truths. All of the posts from you girls who went are really speaking to me and touching me! The not giving more energy to the things you'd like to be free from is definitely a truth for me too! I can't wait to talk to you about your adventure in person (or on the phone)! I love how loved and supported all of you felt - it really comes through in your writing!

Camille McClelland

Wow. I didn't see your finished projects at brave girls and I love them. You are amazing.

As for the spoken word...

I tend to turn of the radio and yell things out loud when I am driving. I'm sure I look like a crazy nut, but after I give the things I want to believe a voice, then I feel the truth behind them. It's so empowering.

A pocket full of posies...

OH Jeanne!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! truly an inspiration!!! and such beautiful art you created! What treasures!!
off to "begin"!
Many Blessings!

melody ross

I love you.

Leah C

Beautiful truths...beautiful works of art. The one about "not meant to fit in" really struck me. How much time did I waste just trying to fit in when I was younger? Once again, your words inspire:)


These posts are just....inspiring, personal, real, hopeful, awesome. I love them. Thank you for sharing your journey at Brave Girls Camp!


Your creations are beautiful! I love them! Brave Girls Camp looks like such a inspirational retreat! Thanks for sharing!

Love, Madison


Oh wow...I must say...how sharing your heart has made me think...realize...truths about ourselves...thank you for sharing something so near and dear to your heart!...and your art is AMAZING...just beautiful...and oh those walks too...sounds so neat:)

Lemonade Makin' Mama

Your art is gorgeous. And the messages on them are amazing. Just beautifully inspiring.


Hello Jeanne - what a beautiful post! Love the artwork you created. The sayings are precious.



Girl, you rock! Your art rocks! Your attitude rocks!

Julie Irish

Jeanne aka "Lucious" I just love you I cant tell you enough. I had the best time with you and I love LOVE reading your posts.


Sounds like a Magical Adventure.

Zita - Mlle Magpie

What gorgeous and special art you created, Jeanne. You're inspiring me...


What a lovely post! A lovely idea and beautiful art.


Ok, that's it, I am on the next plane for coffee, oh who am I kidding, beer and wine and stories galore...wait for me please!!!
Your art is gorgeous, so inpsiring. I am no that intutive...perhaps I need to be...! thanks for sharing something so intimate!

Annette Q

I've got to agree with the other comments: the posts you brave girls are writing are so inspirational and beautiful!
As for remembering our truths...its something I should definitely do, but I'm a little scared!
Hmmm, gotta be brave like you girls;-)
Ps. Jeanne, your artwork is incredible! Thank you for sharing.


I'm so glad you had such a special experience. You deserve it. xo


i'm all over the coming for coffee & spilling your guts gig!

jeanne, i love the work you created. i'm sure it was a healing process....even if as you mentioned earlier you aren't going through an acutely painful situation. sometimes our heart needs to hear truths spoken daily. i love the medium you chose.

darn it
i'm totally dying to copy
i mean
be inspired by you!

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