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March 11, 2009


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i really want a vintage typewriter...i found the perfect one last time i was shopping with my hubby...it was literally buried in a pile of stuff and he was rushing me...so i left without it...still not so happy about that...those shops look like wonderful places to visit...thanks for taking me along!!!


I miss Beth!! I love her little shop, and love those aprons!
Her bracelets are to die for.
thanks for sharing!


i want a vintage typewriter too. that looks like an awesome shop jeanne. could probably be kind of dangerous for me. i wish i lived closer. we could do damage together.


What a great place to go! Looks like you can find LOTS of treasures there!


I just love all the pics.
I sure wish I had something like that around here. Ya know, aside from Kasey's house! :)


i hope i can stop in there sometime soon. it has been too long!


Gorgeous photos! What a neat place to go..i am sure I would come out with arm loads too!
Thanks for sharing where you spend all your hard earned cash...oh wait besides Anthro, right? ;)

Amy Jo Axe

I need to make a trip back to Castle Rock soon. It has so much to offer, not to mention YOU, horseshoes, and crepes!


ThanKs for the tour! Looks like my kind of place!!! I am so in the mood for a little vintage shopping.

Heather Bullard

What a fun post. I'm sure I could do some damage in there. To my wallet, not the shop of course. Smiles, H


I can see why you can't go past Beth's section! Looks dreamy! :) Pretty colors!

Heidi German

I've been meaning to take a little field trip down there (I live in Centennial) but keep putting it off because it seems so far away--even though it would only take me about 25 minutes to get there, LOL. Your photos just make me want to go more!


That looks like a fun place! I just know I would love it. {Sigh} coffee and junking...two of my very favorites. Happy treasure hunting!


Well, you could just drop me off in the morning and pick me up after dinner in that shop! Wow.. Beautiful...Jamie


thanks for posting this, since zach has arrived it has been hard to get out w/ 2 little ones! thank goodness for blogs & websites i can hold zach and shop{a nap & inspiration please)!
those mugs @ anthro i want them!!!!!!!!

Sheila R

The Barn looks absolutely a fabulous place to visit. Thanks for sharing.


I'll be right over!!! Holy smokes, that place is trouble with a capital "T". I wouldn't be safe in there. What a cute place! Thanks for sharing with us! Now I'm ready for a road trip!


i would LOVE one of those angels,forget for the moment what they're called
thanks for the peek into the barn

Leah C

Oh my...I think I need to travel to Colorado so I can shop at The Barn! Looks like a wonderful place to find a treasure or two or three...


What a great place to visit...looks like lots of goods can be found there.

Account Deleted

looks like my kind of shop! love that they have fabrics too! thanks for visiting :)


That's it, I want to move in there.

apriliniowa aka heather

Thank-you for stopping by my blog. What a fabulous store. And I love how you embossed your blog name on the photographs. That's a nice touch. Hope all's well and I'm glad you like my playlist. Be well. :)


oooooh, i want to go! it looks fantastic.

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